Make a Crocheted Ring Bracelet | How To Make Friendship Bracelets


many different types of various knitted bracelet is very beautiful. The following is one thereof. Plastic ring, covered with a double crochet, make for a bold, modern jewelry. And they can be put together with so many different patterns. You can usually find a ring of bone in home decorating knitted or part of your local craft store. They're cheap, unbreakable plastic ring that is usually used for curtains or projects as the basis for the association with bone ukutan ring 1-inch and 1/2-inch.

What you'll need:

Cloth measuring tape
Plastic bone rings
US size 8 steel crochet hook
Pearl cotton embroidery floss or crochet cotton
Crewel needle
22-gauge craft wire
Wire cutters
Needle-nose pliers (optional)


The first thing that should not be in the miss is Measure your wrist, do not let bracelets that will be made later on too large. Determine ring configuration is slightly shorter than this measurement. Then, lay out a ring configuration is slightly smaller than the measurements. Examples of bracelets that will be made here in size 7 inches, so you can see that ring a little shorter. Begin knitting by reaching through the ring and pulled back through the loop. To crochet ring, starting with the anchoring end of the string to ring with your fingers. Finally should be pointing in the direction you will be knitting, the end point must be left loose. Achieving the hook through the center of the ring and pull the loop back through.


Here is a single crochet, just about to be completed. Yarn over and draw loop through first loop to create slipstitch. arn on top and pull the first loop through the second. That's a slipstitch. Then, reaching the hook through the center of the ring again, take the yarn, and pull the loop back through. You will now have two loops on your hook. Yarn over and pull loop through the other two. It's one single crochet. Repeat the previous step to continue to knit the ring. When you have knit about 10 stitches in the loose end, cut off the tip of the close to your work. When you work, compress together seam so that you cover the whole ring. Completing the thread by passing the end of the cut through the last loop. Pull firmly. Once you link all the way around the ring, cut yarn. Topics ultimately to the needle. Passing the needle through the last loop and pull tight knit.


We have in the end by stitching back and forth under the crochet stitches on the outside of the ring. If you keep your stitches the same size as your crochet stitches, they will not be visible. Incidentally, you will be using the same stitching method to move from place to place on the ring-but more on that in a moment. Depending on the design of your bracelet, you can cut the thread of close to your job or leave attached to the ring.


It's easy to join the ring with only a few stitches to do it. Crochet all your bracelets rings in the colors of your choice. They will be larger after knitting. Note also, that all the small rings have a long tail of yarn attached to them. We will use the tail to attach the rings to one another.


Use the yarn attached to the small ring to sew through the seam of a large ring. Take the tail of yarn attached to one small ring and thread the needle. Crochet needle through the bottom seam of the larger ring. Stitch back through the ring of smaller, attractive stitching just tight enough so that the rings lying side by side. Take a second stitch through both rings. Secure yarn by stitching back and forth under the crochet stitches, as you did to complete the step crochet.


Attach another small ring. Leave a yarn tail intact. Attach the two small rings are great as shown. Do not cut yarn. Instead, sew along the seam crochet until you reach a point between the two small rings. Use yarn tail to attach the two small rings together. Sew two small rings together as shown. Weave in yarn and cut it close. Attach the two smaller rings to the other side of the large one. Attach another small ring to the opposite side of the large ring. Then, attach a second small ring. Take the tail thread on one small ring and sewed it around to a point between the rings. Take the tail on the other rings and sew around the ends of the ring as shown. Joining the two small rings, and the repositioning of yarn to attach the loose end of the next big ring. Joining the two small rings as shown. Then, that tail spin yarn stitches to the leading end of the bracelet. Now you are ready to attach the next big ring. Repeat this step until you have attached all the rings.


To create a buckle, a piece of crochet at 22-gauge wire. 5-inch long cut wire craft. Crochet around as you do for a ring. You can find this easier if you bend wire as shown. Crochet around 2 inches, and sliding to the center of knitted wire. Leave the yarn and hook attached. Insert the wire ends into the ring. Twist ends into a ring. Insert the wire ends through the two small rings on the ends of the ring, then rotate them tightly together in a ring. Rings should be about 2 inches in diameter. Make sure the ends of a flattened wire.


Crochet the rest of the ring wire. Continue knitting around the ring. Tuck the end and cut it. The circle will not be perfectly round, but this is fine.


Wire to hook the ring buckling. Side of wire catch the ring together and bend them to the hook. This hook will wrap around the large ring on the tip of the ring to stop it.

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